Habiru Foundation

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Our Mission

At Habiru Foundation, our mission is to lessen the burden of government; ease neighborhood tensions; combat community deterioration and exercise responsibilities afforded by the rule of Law. We accomplish this mission by providing assistance to widows, fatherless, strangers and the needy who find themselves outside of the system and unqualified to receive help from government agencies. It is our goal to tend to the whole body by addressing the physical, emotional, spiritual, social and financial needs of these individuals.

We do this by first, assessing the issue through CISM (Crisis Intervention Stress Management) techniques. Second, we determine whether immediate, personal aid is appropriate. Thirdly, we discern when continued help is necessary and seek to provide that help through our Affiliate/Partner Recognition Of Need (APRON) program. Like William Booth, founder of The Salvation Army so eloquently stated, “I must assert in the most unqualified way that it is primarily and mainly for the sake of saving the soul that I seek the salvation of the body.”