Habiru Foundation

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The Habiru Foundation

Most entrepreneurs, men and women of means, successful businesses and corporate entities want to be known for their benevolence. With the blessing of being able to give, comes the greater responsibility of discerning what organizations or individuals will make the best use of that gift. There is no shortage of places to put a “tax-deductible” donation… “For ye have the poor always with you…” so, there are “needs” everywhere you look.

And, giving money away is easy. Wasting money is equally effortless. One can do both by allowing a government agency or impersonal charitable organization to determine where your gift is directed. You still get to “write it off” but your gift can easily become harmful, sterile, misdirected or lost in an ocean of overhead expense and bureaucratic “red tape.”

Habiru Foundation knows that the effective disbursement of a substantial contribution requires the same type of wisdom and dedication as the generation of it. The discriminating benefactor needs to be certain that their generosity will be used for the greatest good. At Habiru Foundation, that is our full-time job.